Amy Jiménez Márquez

Amy Jiménez Márquez headshot

Amy Jiménez Márquez is a design leader focusing on UX design, information architecture, compassionate leadership, and mentorship. She’s currently VP of Experience Design at Zillow.

Formerly at Amazon Alexa, leading the Alexa Adaptive Personality Experience Design team (4 years), she was part of evolving Alexa’s personality, sense of humor, the way the agent adapts and responds to customer’s preferences and context, bringing new voices onboard like Samuel L. Jackson, and bringing new assistants to virtual life like the “Hey Disney” magical assistant. She also worked with Amazon’s Diversity in Design initiative and ran workshops teaching design thinking and elements of design to underserved communities.

Since 2016, Amy has owned and published Boxes and Arrows (, an online publication founded in 2001, by Christina Wodtke, devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design, including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture, and the design of business.

She also teaches Information Architecture and UX design at the Seattle School of Visual Concepts. She enjoys working with student cohorts to help them understand the importance of a foundation in IA in a designer’s career.

Amy can occasionally be found performing improvisational comedy with local troupes. She’s worked with troupes in California and Texas and has led workshops on improvisation collaboration techniques to improve communication in professional team settings.

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