Lisa Dance

Lisa Dance headshot

Lisa D. Dance is a UX Designer/Founder at ServiceEase, a consultancy that helps businesses and non-profit organizations “be easy to do business with” by using user centered research and design. She provides workshop and trainings on ethical research and inclusive design to internal teams.

Her background includes re-establishing the user experience function for a Fortune 500 insurance company and contributing to their website winning over 17 national and international awards.

Lisa has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Marketing, and an Interaction Design Specialization Certificate. As a strong advocate for the user experience design community, Lisa is Vice-President of Richmond UX, organizes the Ladies That UX-Richmond Chapter,  and founder of the UX Census (RVA) Survey, an annual report of the user experience landscape in the Richmond, VA area (RVA).

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