Noreen Whysel

Noreen Whysel is a NYC-based information architect, teacher and UX researcher, building a research practice for the Internet Safety Lab. Her own startup, Decision Fish, promotes financial wellness through workshops and decision coaching and was a 2017 Best for NYC Changemaker. She served as the Operations Manager at Information Architecture Institute from 2005 to 2014 and has numerous stories and insights about the foundation of the User Experience Design field.

A long time member of the UX community, Noreen focuses on bringing the edges of different disciplines together. She has presented on the role of UX Design to diverse audiences, including emergency management, high performance computing, geospatial intelligence, cybersecurity, startup communities and cultural institutions. Recent topics include mentoring, trusted identity, respectful technology, vulnerable populations, The Metaverse, and resilience. 

She has spoken at the Information Architecture Conference, Information Architecture Summit, Gateways 2020, Gateways 2016 (at the San Diego Supercomputing Center), the United Nations, NYC Emergency Management Department, and Archivists’ Roundtable of New York. She was the Experience Director at The Information Architecture Conference (IAC19), and co-chair for IAC20. She chaired the UN Unite for Humanity Hackathon in 2016 and continues to advise hackathon teams via Essteem.

She is an Adjunct Lecturer at CUNY City Tech Communication Design department and hosts the Behavioral Economics NYC meetup. She mentors and advises on events for IA, UX, Cybersecurity, GIS and DefenseTech. She has a BA in Psychology from Columbia and a MSLIS from Pratt Institute and has published academic papers on vision science and linked data. 

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