Making the Right Turn: Career development for unplanners

5-year career plans are supposed to align you and your manager on a path to a bright and shiny future, one where you’ve achieved your goals through a combination of skill and perseverance. Instead, they set you up for failure by closing your mind to the opportunities right in front of you.

The person you are today has abilities, limitations, and nemeses that you didn’t predict for yourself 5 years ago. And the role you’ll have 5 years from now, can’t be decided just by looking at the jobs that exist today.

Instead of making a 5-year-plan, start planning for what’s next.

In this keynote, you’ll learn how to identify the work that fuels you, reflect on the principles that guide your preferences, consider the upsides of spite, and identify the people who will support you as you take the next step in your career.

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