Design for Aging, your future-self


The stereotypical product image for seniors entails bigger buttons, bigger text, and bigger screens. When it comes to designing for the elderly, it is not necessary to dumb down technologies. In this talk, we’ll take a different perspective on aging: Rather than focusing on their disabilities such as loss of vision/hearing/memory, we look into the rich dimensions of their lives, their surrounding communities, and discuss how design can contribute in this domain.

We move beyond usability, and introduce “Design for Aging” as a process of innovation. We will present our design research approach in detail, including our thoughts behind the emerging trends on aging. We will share our experience on how we discovered the aging populations’ inspirations, aspirations, values and challenges to their daily lives.

This talk plans to introduce you to “Inclusive Design”, inspire you to take on different lenses, and offer plenty of design opportunities in the domain of aging.

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