Finding Role Clarity in UX Chaos

The field of user experience is evolving rapidly, and as a result all of us who work in UX are left wondering what the multiple definitions of our jobs actually mean. Although a little chaos never hurt anyone, team members who don’t understand where one job leaves off and another begins can get very frustrated with one another. In this session, content strategist and UX strategist Marli Mesibov will identify challenges that come up often in UX teams, and provide advice for how to work together with a little less chaos.

You will learn:

  • Helpful, concrete questions to ask of other team members in collaborative settings.
  • The secret to why “silos” exist in the first place, and why they’re not always bad.
  • A stronger understanding of the history of some of the jobs now considered to be “UX” such as content strategy and information architecture.
  • Conversation and brainstorming starters that can be utilized to kick off design/content projects.

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